Ghodejatra respects the horse, but since it is not a horse race, it is also related to religious and cultural beliefs. As this festival is celebrated on Aunsi Tithi, the next day of Pisach Chaturdashi, it has absorbed tantric beliefs. Because the act of driving away vampires and evil spirits by running horses and belief is also confirmed by the influence of the growing Tantric style of the Malla period.
The Origins of Ghodejatra: A Fusion of Legends
Various festivals of Nepal are also considered as a major part of our country’s culture. All Nepalis participate in those festivals with an open heart. This festival falls on Chaitra Krishna Aunsi day. It is also called Pisach Chaturdashi. On this day, there is a horse race in Tundikhel as well as chariot processions of various gods and goddesses. Ghodejatra is a big festival of Newar community. On this day, Lord Shiva is worshiped with pomp.

The Newar community celebrates this festival in a more festive atmosphere with more dancing, music and traditional costumes. On this day, there is a tradition of worshiping ‘Lukuwa Mahadev’ or Pishacheshwar Mahadev located near Tundikhel in Kathmandu. On the day of Pisach Chaturdashi, this hidden Mahadev is bathed and cleansed and offered food and drink. In this Bhog, there is an abundance of stimulating food such as garlic. It is said that after the horse festival, the garlic is left uneaten and is not edible.
Since the importance of horse as a fast, strong animal is universally accepted since ancient times, people have been training horses and using them for transportation and entertainment. Also, it seems that the horse had an important role and recognition in the Vedic period. It is mentioned in the Puranas that at that time, King Chakravarti, to maintain his reputation, the border security of the state, to collect taxes from the state, specially decorated the horse Shyamkarna and gave special rights to Digvijaya, and after that task was completed, he performed the Ashwamegha Yagya.
In addition, in social institutions and beliefs, in the ‘horse and sheep’ custom of Mugu district of Karnali region of Nepal, there is a mention of the rule of feeding sheep meat to the mediator who solves any problem with the help of the local Bhadrabhaladmi mediator in disputes, quarrels, share-bonds, etc.
Before Ghodejatra, it was not like today. From that time horses were used to run and it was customary for kings to visit Bhadrakali. When going for darshan, the king used to go on a horse. After the king, the ministers and the courtiers were separated. People used to gather in Tundikhel to see the splendor of the king’s pilgrimage.
In this way, it can be assumed that the horse ride of the king later became a formal horse ride. The first form of this Jatra can be seen in Patan’s Balkumari square even today. Today, various entertainments are being added and preparations for this horse ride have been started since many days ago. The main attraction of this festival is the competition of sports like horse, motor, motorcycle, bicycle and race. In addition to this, various games, spectacles, battle performances, circuses are also shown and various interesting and exciting programs from military helicopters have started to become popular. This has led to intense competition in the number of horse race watchers.
Nowadays, ordinary people can participate in motorcycle, bicycle and running. Likewise, women have also started participating in various sports. High-ranking government officials including the President, Prime Minister, other ministers and foreign representatives are also present at the Tundikhel stage on this occasion.
Ghodejatra also has its own historical recognition, value and importance. Raja Jayaprakash Malla is the one who started this kind of practice. This Jatra is especially celebrated in three cities of Kathmandu Valley. In this festival, the custom of feeding a feast especially to married girls is still alive in the Newari society. Although this festival lasts for three days, on the last day of Chait Shukla Pigeon Day, the khats of Matrika Devi are brought around the city from six streets and circling seven khats in Asan Chowk.
Different festivals have their own importance in our society. Horse riding is also an important festival among them. Its social importance is more than religious. It is presenting its own dignity and existence in a vivid form in the Newari community. From this, it is clear that the art and skills of the Newari society are highly developed.
Therefore, it seems to be emphasized in the Newari society. Therefore, this Jatra can be taken as a cultural heritage that shows generosity and gratitude to our ancestors in Hindu culture. This Ghodejatra festival is a special festival enjoyed by the farmers. It has been satirized that even poor farmers buy horses of Jung Bahadur. Therefore, the horse procession is completed in this way every year.